Say No to Immigration Fraud

Immigration fraud exists. According to the Canadian immigration law, you must be honest in your application, including the information and the documentation you provide. That being said, whether you intentionally or unintentionally provide fraudulent or altered documentation, such as transcripts, diploma, employment record, or if you lied on your application such as withholding your record of previous visa refusal, this constitutes misrepresentation. And the consequences are serious, including: your application being refused, your permanent residence being revoked, your citizenship being revoked, you being deported from Canada, you being charged for criminal activity, and you being banned from Canada for at least 5 years.

Passion and Mission


Identifying and sharing with you the different forms and types of immigration fraud, and providing public legal education and resources to help you navigate the complex immigration system.


We provide free consultation where we assess your situation and advise or recommend further steps in recovering your money or your immigration application.


By aiding you in becoming more competent in compiling your own application, we anticipate a decrease in number of individuals who fell for immigration scams.


Our mandate includes promoting the integrity of the immigration legal practitioner profession, and hence ensuring the integrity of the Canadian immigration system.

Are you suspicious about a job offer or other document? Verify now.

Some unauthorized agents would promise you that they will get you a job offer so that you can be eligible for a work permit. They would provide you a Job Offer letter with a fake letter head and manager's signature to show you that they can deliver their promise. They then demand more money from you before they could give you the original copy of the Job Offer or the Work Permit. If you have received a job offer, or any offer or promise that is too good to be true, send us a copy of that document. Our team can help you verify it.

Scammers and some agents have been providing clients fraudulent documents such as job offer, visa approval letter, embassy correspondence, among others. These scammers would then ask you for more money for their "hard work."

If you suspect the authenticity of the documents you received, you may register for our Verification Service for FREE. We would initiate our investigation and verification process and provide you a feedback within 48 hours.

Register here now

Affordable Solutions

45-Minute Consultation

$35CAD for 45 minutes of consultation. Find the best immigration program for you. Ask Bonny for some tips and advice on a visa application that is taking longer than expected to process. Many applicants have benefited from this service as they needed to speak to a professional about their options whilst waiting for their application for months, even years.

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Annual Membership

$299CAD per year. Voted the "Best Bucks Spent" by clients. You can ask for legal advice on Canadian immigration law, immigration programs, refusal guidance, appeals, and more throughout the year. There is no time limit. As a member, you also have access to our Masterclass materials for FREE. You will get WhatsApp or Slack support throughout the year.

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Application Review

$380CAD per application. We will provide a review report with advise or recommendation on how to improve your application for a better chance of success.

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